When you're lost, then get found again.
It all begins with the location - when we find ourselves in a state of anguish, find ourselves in a state of sorrow, find ourselves in a state of inexplicable mood swings and f8nd ourselves in a state of bitterness & anger, I implore you to locate Jesus too.
But beware, fellow surrenderer, that means the very act 9f finding Jesus too may feel like looking for a coin in a darkened room, feel like looking for a ne3dle in a haystack; and it will most assuredly feel like the last thing you ever want to do on earth because your very act of finding Jesus will feel so against-the-grain (of your current emoti9nal state) , so traitorous to your stinking thinking, and so false t9 your allegiance to that all-consuming bad funk and negatives thinking.
But hang in there. Stick with it. Keep aiming to find Jesus, even when that looks like watching preaching videos on YouTube, or scrolling through Christian memes on Instagram or loudly declaring: “ Nope” to anything that comes on your feed that is Jesus- related because your flesh and mind are in a such a bad funk, but yet still going back to watching those preaching videos or listening to Christian music… - because that's what I do too when I find myself caught in a never-ending loop of bad thoughts that threaten even the faintest probability to finding joy again, ad not to mention living yet another day!
Yet, in that midst of intense despair and desperately wanting to feel whole again as I scroll “next” on another reel, another YouTube short, another Christian meme, in what seems to be an unconscious effort that the inner you 8s trying to find Jesus so that I can go back to what feels like home again , because this feeling of bitterness, anger, anguish, heat-wrenching pain that sneaks up on me and comes unannounced like a thief in the night feels so foreign to my spirit, even in that
So when the psalmist says (when) The cords of death entangled me, the anguish of the grave came over me; I was overcome by distress and sorrow.”
But alas, this is a prime example that this all-consuming, harrowing emotive verse show us that eve when the people who we now know as great pivotal heroes of the bible, who have gone on to do remarkable things in life, not only for themselves, but the Kingdom of God, that they too are human and that they sometimes, through life's trials, feel deep sorrow, such that they feel the “anguish of the grave” coming 9 er them, yet this passage shows us that even when they feel deep pain, the psalmist knows that his help will only ever come from the Lord, hence verse 4 says: “Then I called upon the name of the Lord; the Lord save me!